What is an Email Forwarder?
Email forwarders allow you to send a copy of an email from one email address to another email address automatically. If you have multiple email addresses for you business one good use for email forwarders to to have all the messages forward to one account. So if you have a sales@yourdomain.com, service@yourdomain.com, and support@yourdomain.com email addresses all of them can be sent to one account such as customers@yourdomain.com. That way, you will no longer have to check all the email accounts. You will only need to check the customers@yourdomain.com account. Setting up email forwarders can be done through cPanel.
Creating a Forwarder in cPanel:
- Log into the cPanel.
- Click Forwarders in the Mail section.
- On the Forwarders page, click Add Forwarder.Â
- On the Add a New Forwarder page, fill in the following sections. Below is a brief Description of the options:
Address: Type the email address username in the Address to Forward: field, and select the domain from the drop-down box.
Destination: Type the full email address that you want to forwarder emails to in the text box, and click Add Forwarder. - Click the Add Forwarder button, then you will see a message similar to this: "All email sent to email@yourdomain.com will now be copied to your@email.com."
Congratulations, the email forwarder was created in the cPanel.